Helensburghers Just Follow The Rainclouds Home
Weather conditions in Helensburgh are generally fairly mild throughout the year, much like the majority of the New South Wales coast. Day temperatures average between 240C and 290C in the summer months, and rarely go above 330C. Average day temperatures during winter months are between 60C and 120C, and rarely dip below 20C. Night temperatures tend to be much cooler, dropping off anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees after the sun goes down.
Helensburgh often seems like it has its very own climate compared to neighbouring locations, with visitors to the area often commenting that Helensburgh seems to be a couple of degrees colder than Sydney or Wollongong on the same day (especially in winter). Helensburgh also has a higher rainfall than its neighbours, although locals would claim that the difference between Helensburgh’s rainfall rate and Sydney’s or Wollongong’s rainfall rates seems greater than what official sources would indicate it to be. Commuters can often be heard to complain about seeing clear blue skies in every other suburb on a rainy day in Helensburgh.
The reason for this microcosm of climate lies in Helensburgh’s altitude. Although it doesn’t appear to be particularly mountainous, Helensburgh is surrounded by coastal suburbs located virtually at sea level, while Helensburgh itself, due to an odd quirk of geography, is not. So while you would expect Helensburgh’s weather to be more similar to Sydney’s or Wollongong’s, given their relative closeness to the north and the south, the fact that Helensburgh is around 250 metres higher above sea level than either of them does have a noticeable effect on its climate and weather patterns.
On the flip side, extreme weather conditions affecting Sydney or Wollongong generally aren’t felt in Helensburgh. In recent years, several famously severe hailstorms and/or windstorms in both Sydney and Wollongong all left Helensburgh virtually untouched.
Extreme weather in general is rarely felt in Helensburgh. The last time it snowed in Helensburgh was at some point in the early 1970s. Meanwhile, summer temperatures hitting the dreaded 400C only happens maybe once every three years or so.
One of the best and easiest-to-use resources for checking Helensburgh’s weather is the Willyweather website, which has five-day forecasts, current temperature and humidity, and rain-tracking radar images all on the same page. This makes it very easy to see what’s going with all aspects of Helensburgh’s weather and to plan ahead. The webpage also contains toolbar links to forecasts for Helensburgh’s rainfall, winds, UV counts, sunrises/sunsets, moon phases, and forecasts for tides and swells in the nearest coastal towns. This information can be found at: Helensburgh Weather
For the most part, Helensburgh reflects Australia’s reputation for mostly fine weather, with moderate average temperatures, and wetter summer months with comparatively dry winters.
Images/Photos, and Article © Ian Piggott 2016 – all rights reserved,
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